Thinking of the Anzac Day Services and other activities that will be happening this week we have retrieved these images from our collection.

Anzac Day Parade in Glen Forrest in1953 notice the scouts and cubs marching behind the returned soldiers. In the next photo are the Glen Forrest Brownies who would have marched behind the Girl guide as was the custom at that time. The march started from the corner of Hardey Road and Railway Parade, turned into McGlew Road and up to the Octagonal Hall where a service took place.

Brownies outside the Octagonal Hall in 1954
Their leader is called Brown Owl and her name was Bernese Porter

Wooroloo Anzac Day March in early 1960s
They are marching past the Wooroloo Railway Station

The Lawrence Family of Glen Forrest in 1956. The father is a returned serviceman and the girls are in Girl Guide and Brownie uniforms
This year you can attend services at Blackboy Hill, Mundaring, Mount Helena and Chidlow where a seedling of Alleppo Pine will be planted at the service.