Renowned Artist Pro Hart who lived and worked in Broken Hill NSW, passed away in 2006 of Motor Neurone Disease.

In the Shire of Mundaring, we are very fortunate to have many artists living and working here.
We have a thriving Arts Centre housed in the original Mundaring Post Office and two events that take place each year namely the Darlington Arts Festival in November and Mundaring Hills Open Studios in October.
You are probably all aware of the current site of the Mundaring Arts Centre, but did you know the first site was a repurposed service station in Mahogany Creek on Great Eastern Highway.
In 1970 a local committee of artists and teachers headed by Robyn Larkin and real estate agent Roy Western worked together to bring about a Christmas Art and Craft Exhibition at this site. The first artist in residence was Nigel Hewitt.

Because of the popularity of this venue and increasing activity on the highway it was decided that it was becoming a dangerous spot and subsequently in 1997 the old Mundaring Post Office was renovated and reopened as Mundaring Arts Centre.

31 March1954 saw Queen Elizabeth 11 visit Mundaring stopping at the War Memorial. Even though the minister for health had declared a Poliomyelitis epidemic the week before the visit, local man Frank Bradley convened a meeting of parents and citizens, local sporting, RSL and CWA members. The purpose of the meeting was to petition a letter to the Director of the State Visit, Mr Ralph Doig, to allow over 900 local schoolchildren from 8 local schools to line the streets to show their support for their beloved Queen. Mr Doig refused permission and only children from 4 of the 8 schools were permitted to congregate on the roadside, ensuring that there was a 30 foot gap between participating schools.

Colorful decorations, flowers, zamia palm fronds were all visible to welcome the Queen. It was estimated nearly 2,000 people lined the streets, waving flags, handkerchiefs and hats. Cheering was heard as the entourage passed by.
Although it is rumoured that Prince Phillip's love of speed was indulged en-route to Wooroloo, special arrangements had been made for the cars to slow as they passed the waiting patients from the Wooroloo Sanitorium.