On Saturday 19th October the CWA group Forrest Darlings met at Darlington Hall to celebrate their 5 year anniversary and of course the 100 year anniversary of the launch of Country Woman’s Association of Western Australia.
The Shire of Mundaring supported this event where 50 women gathered to celebrate this special occasion. Amongst the guests were Paige McNeil Shire President and Shire Councillors, Trish Cook and Prapti Meta.
We congratulate this wonderful group and look forward to catching up at the forthcoming Darlington Arts Festival.

The establishment of CWA of WA occurred after WA members from the National Council of Women heard about the 1922 formation of a CWA of New South Wales and Queensland. A provisional committee spent 12 months spreading awareness and encouraging women to form the same association in the western state of Australia. Within 12 months of the first branch opening, the inaugural state conference was held in the Queens Hall, Perth in 1925 with sixty women. The first Executive were elected; and the aims, motto, constitution, badge and colours were laid. Lady Campion, wife of the Governor of WA, was bestowed as the patron.The aim of the Association was then, and still remains, to improve the well-being of all people, especially those in country areas, by promoting courtesy, cooperation, community effort, ethical standards, and the wise use of resources.
Celebration of the 100th Anniversary and the 5th Anniversary of the Forrest Darlings branch of the CWA