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Horses Birthday 1st August

It is well known that every horse in the southern hemisphere celebrates their birthday on August 1st.Each foal is assigned this date to facilitate the age group that define Thoroughbred races and other equine pursuits. 

Because of this birthday we thought we would look into our collection for interesting photographs of “horse history” in the Shire. Horses have been a huge help to mankind for all sorts of reasons. Especially prior to the era before motorised transport.

During the war local men such as Leslie Bending and Harry Grey would have joined up and trained in Mt Helena for the Tenth Light Horse troop.

10th Light Horse training in Bunbury

Local Mundaring people would have used horses for farm work and travel. Today most horses seen in the hills are pleasure horses perhaps belonging to members of pony clubs or adult riding.

One famous establishment just outside Wooroloo called El Caballo Blanco bought tourists to the hills to watch the Spanish horses perform.

Andrew Selkirk ploughing his property on Yilgarn St with a horse

Horse and Riders at El Caballo Blanco


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