It's Show Time around this time of the year and even though the Royal Agricultural Show has been held for 189 years it is still a huge drawcard for city and country folk. First known as the Fair and Cattle Show, the first event was opened in 1834.
Agricultural Shows are very popular all around the State with the Swan View Show being held this Saturday the 8th October and the Gidgecannup Show (Gidgee Show) to be held on the 28th October.
Mundaring has a long-standing regard for Agricultural Events with Shows being held since the early 1900s.
The first show held in the Mundaring Shire was held on St Patrick's Day 17th March 1906 by the Darling Range Horticultural and Industrial Society. There were displays of Fruit, Vegetables, Home Cooking, Needlework, Poultry, Floral Displays and Apiculture (Beekeeping).
The following year the show was held at Chidlow and the next year at Smiths Mill. In 1909 the show returned to Mundaring and this time it was staged at the "Showground". A much different space to the area now known as the Arena.

The Show Committee of 1912

Opening of the Show by Sir John Forrest 1909

Log Chop by Leslie Thomas Bending circa 1950