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Red Cross Day May 8th

On May 8 each year, World Red Cross Day is observed globally, celebrating the people who make up Red Cross: over 14 million staff and active volunteers around the world who work to alleviate suffering and provide comfort and support when times get tough.    

May 8 was chosen because it is the birthdate of Henri Dunant, Swiss businessman, humanitarian, and social activist. 

Australian Red Cross, formally Australian Red Cross Society, is a humanitarian aid and community services charity in Australia. Tracing its history back to 1923 and being incorporated by royal charter in 1941, Australian Red Cross Society is the national member of the Federation of Red Cross and Red Cresent Societies and part of the International Red Cross Movement. 


There have been Red Cross Groups working in the Shire of Mundaring ever since the first World War years. The women would have been knitting socks, scarves, and balaclava caps for soldiers and even pyjamas which were cut out and made at Mundaring Weir!

When the war ended the Branch went into recess. then of course with the advent of World War 11 a new branch was started by local women Mrs’s Sutcliffe, Long, Robinson and Wilshusin. The Mundaring branch met in the Mundaring Hall and from 1939 to 1945 the women were again sewing and knitting and raising funds and entertaining convalescent soldiers at the Mundaring Weir Hall.The Mundaring branch closed at the end of World War 11.

At one time there were 15 Red Cross Branches throughout the Shire from Wooroloo down to Boya.

In 1963 the Mundaring Branch reconvened and their activities included welfare work, door knocks, thrift shops, first aid classes, emergency driving, Meals on Wheels and even helping with the blood transfusion service in the Mundaring Hall until a Blood Bank  Collection Centre was opened in Midland.

Another busy branch was in Boya.Founded in 1953 by Ann Twycross this group grew quickly and needed a larger venue at which to meet. They held fetes each October at the Helena Valley Recreation Ground and in September 1957 began discussion the feasibility of building a hall. Construction began that year after support from the Red Cross Headquarters in Perth and the new hall was officially opened by Sir Angus Lefroy on 9th February 1958. The Boya Red Cross hall opened in 1958.


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