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Road Safety Week - 14 - 21 May 2023

As this week is Road Safety week we were reminded of the infamous Harry Weeks who worked in Mundaring.

Prior to 1975 the WA Police had responsibility for traffic control in the metropolitan area. Country areas were the responsibility of local shires.

From 1955 to 1975 the Mundaring shire employed a Traffic Inspector called Harry Weeks. Harry had an Australia wide reputation for ruthlessly enforcing the traffic code . He was so feared that word quickly spread that - “You slow down when going through Mundaring …or Weeksie’ll get you”.

While he was despised by some drivers, he probably saved many from death or serious injury .

In 1975 the Road Traffic Authority took over traffic control throughout the state and Harry became a vehicle examiner.

Harry Weeks died in 1986 and the Shire named a truck bay east of Chidlow in his honour.

Listening to the Minister for Roads this morning, I was surprised to learn that West Australians are still being seriously injured in traffic crashes through not wearing seat belts. I did think that we had that message by now.

Mundaring Traffic Department Decal

Mundaring Traffic Inspector Badge

One of Mundaring's early pursuit cars

Harry attending a traffic crash on Mundaring Weir Road

Harry's Triumph Bonneville 650cc Motor Cycle


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