Front page of advertising brochure for poultry sales
It was a very labour-intensive industry, the birds had to be fed, the pens cleaned, heat lamps and incubators to be maintained. Green feed to be cut, water to be provided and eggs collected twice a day.
Hygiene was also very important, so pens, perches and walls had to be cleaned. Kerosene and carbolic acid were used at that time. Parasites such as stickfast fleas, tick lice and red mites had to be eliminated and incoming birds had to be quarantined.
Brooklyn Poultry Farm was one of the bigger farms in Parkerville situated north of Glendower Street some 26acres between Seabourne and Kintore Road from 1909 until 1945.
One of the various owners was George Allman who was also a member of the Greenmount Road Board (now Mundaring Shire) and had a road in Parkerville named after him.
Pages from a brochure published 1927
More pages from the advertising brochure
Child feeding the chooks (poultry) at Werribee Boys Home 1934